Our Charter

Respect (Section R)

  1. We're not talkin' 'bout respec' init. No, we're just asking that you don't treat others in a negative or demeaning way. If you have a problem with someone, contact an officer or admin, or indeed one of the few moderators. These people are: TSM (aka Stew), Logaan (aka Alex/Log) and RavenIII (aka Matt/Tower). If its game specific, try to contact one of the officers in your game; we have quite an odd structure (more on this later).

Public Image (Section P)

  1. Avoid public flame wars, 'debates' are fine - flame wars are another thing generally speaking. Likewise avoid personal arguments in public places.
  2. We get a lot of members from aiding complete strangers, this is generally on a meet-them-by-luck basis and beg them to enter. So were possible, try and help newbs or strangers in-game.

The Usual (Section U)

  1. Swearing is permitted, but avoid going overboard - rampant swearing isn't really funny; and we do have some young members.
  2. Ask for help or a match/session, but please oh please don't spam chat or pester. Likewise, if someone asks it'd be considered more polite to decline rather than leave them in the dark.
    1. This must be distinguished from someone trying to rally the troops, but - when you're asking someone specifically, do so… don't just spam generally hoping that person who came online gets the hint.
  3. Guild/clan hopping in-games is generally frowned upon. This is where an alliance generally containing or being led by EGC has numerous clans or guilds whereby members wish to move from one to another for some perceived convenience. Past experience suggests this just upsets the leadership of one or another of the communities; and generally isn't worth it.
  4. The only exception to this rule tends to be with planned (or discussed at the very least) merges, and in most of these situations EGC will opt to keep its status, absorbing existing communities. This is likely to be most often seen in MMOs when player bases start shrinking.

VoIP Usage (Section V)

  1. Finally we have a Teamspeak (3) server, usage is generally reserved for community members with permission asked for acquaintances.
  2. We may move users to different channels if our main channel is getting crowded (generally dependent on the game being played) furthermore we have an etiquette which we'd like users to follow as close as possible.



I don't want this to be rules, rules, rules; I want to throw some extra info down for anyone interested in joining. Basically EGC came about originally as a guild (from Guild Wars) called Universe In Exile [UiE]. Its origins are an interesting story which can be read about in the members' club area of the forum. Anyway, EGC today was formed under the new name and tag because we no longer play just one game - though arguably there are times when we can be a little… narrow in our field of view; the thing is, we try to cater to a broad range of tastes. We have Role-playing-game players (naturally), Soldier-shooter-types, Strategists, Adventurers and whatnot.

Not only that but we have a broad age range, generally no one younger than their teens (our normal restriction is 18, but maturity of the individual or family inclusion makes this rule lax) - to some pretty ancient beings full of wisdom, wit and heady knowledge; and with that, a broad range of budgets… from student, to… not-student. Hence its impossible to buy every game under the sun, especially the new ones. This all boils down to a few things…

* Unofficial in the sense that we either wouldn't trust the individual leading the community, hence we may or may not have little control over its day-to-day running. Official in the sense that we know about it and there is someone we trust in control.

As a further note, 'Exilers' doesn't automatically imply that the community is even remotely linked to us - it is a rather general word; and against its definition, we aren't exactly a pack of lone-wolves either. So give us a chance, visit the forums and chat with us, join us on TS (details in the Members Club if we like you!), have some fun in games with us.

But heavens forbid you want to eat cookies. Biscuits are fine, just don't leave them in your cuppa-tea for too long.

To finish with the boring rules: